After three years of work practice (which shouldn't have taken that long if it wasn't for the pandemic) I finally got my insurance approved by the Swedish Social Insurance company, now I don't have to worry about the ones at the commune giving me less money because of commission money or simple transfer between friends and family.
Admittedly, even though I'm happy to have a proper income I can't exactly take pride in how it's difficult for me to get a job since (I may not have said it before) I have a hard time focusing a lot of times, gets distracted and I'm not the best planner.
But hey, I'm happy that it got approved before my birthday, which is (as of the writing of this journal) in five days.
I don't ask for much, and IT'S JUST A SUGGESTION but if you want you can check my Throne wishlist for things you could gift me:
Or you may draw for me if you got the time. Which is just simply another suggestion because birthdays and Christmas is the only times I will ask for art because those times are special and I wish to commission others if I want art, which I hope that I can do soon, but also while saving for a computer.
But honestly, do whatever you feel like. Just saying happy birthday is good enough.
And I do want to make it clear for the third time that it's just a suggestion since I don't want to put people through the same things I have been going through, even if those were in private.
I honestly wish that I could say no easier no matter whatever excuse those asking me for free art may have.
Even though I got my insurance approved, I still need to get money to make sure I can pay for my bills, and I would say its quite urgent:
You can either commission me or just donate on my Ko-fi.
If you have read all the way through, how are you doing? I hope you're doing well.