Sometimes a Lucario, sometimes a jackal, and sometimes a bit hyena woman, but in the end, am I an artist who got dreams for the future.

Age 35

Freelancing artist

Halmstad, Sweden

Joined on 6/19/07

Exp Points:
1,926 / 2,180
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.57 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:

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Latest News


Half the year has passed, I managed to finish the pilot for my comic Heavenly Kyuubi and hoping to have a monthly or bimonthly release (but hopefully monthly) and I'm almost done with my Pokémon comic The Mysterious Prophet (which I believe was a surprise for everyone when it turned out to have Digimon crossover (which Bandai and Nintendo may never do sadly enough) and I hope that you all liked them.


I have written a script for another comic that I might or might not do (but this one would be four issues). It would be nice if I got working on it considering a certain franchise is having it's 40th anniversary this year.


And when it comes to streaming I have been doing my best to stay consistent with my schedule, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8:00pm CEST, though I'm still hoping that I will have more regular viewers (at least an average of 3), and I do my best to advertise my streams.

If I manage to become an affiliate this year I will be doing a special wrestling event in December where I will have one of those wrestling games and make both some of my own characters (at least those that are possible to make) and characters from games I have streamed as well as from all media in general and some that would be considered a meme by people. For that I will have a guest commentator as well as cool transition effects to make it more special.


As for other things I could be doing for the rest of the month? There's Art Fight starting next week which I'm once again taking part in: https://artfight.net/~Cyborg-Lucario


There's also a game project with my kangaroo Roxy I started working on a little that I could be focusing more on. Feel free to ask about it if you're curious.


There might be some other projects that I'm helping friends with, but we'll have to see how that goes before I can say anything more about it.


I do hope that the rest of the year will go well for me, and until next time, see ya!

Recent Game Medals

25 Points

Data Deleted 10 Points

Defeat Proto.


Beat Week 1 in Story mode and unlock Week 2

Friday Night Funker 5 Points

Start the game

Latest Art


Available for Work

Open for commissions!

I'm mostly an anthro artist who also draws normal animals and robots, but I also welcome working on human characters.

While it looks like I don't to lots of backgrounds in my drawings, I'm still willing to o them and will do my best with them.

You can find what I will and will not do in this Google Doc:
