Sometimes a Lucario, sometimes a jackal, and sometimes a bit hyena woman, but in the end, am I an artist who got dreams for the future.

Age 35

Freelancing artist

Halmstad, Sweden

Joined on 6/19/07

Exp Points:
2,098 / 2,180
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.63 votes
Global Rank:
> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
1m 1d

Cyborg-Lucario's News

Posted by Cyborg-Lucario - August 20th, 2020

I realized that last the last time I wrote a journal was in May, and that's three months ago!

Considering how I have been posting art so is it safe to bet you knew I'm alive, but what has happened to me during it?
I have been trying to get a job, but I had to first get a job training which seemed to be something I could have gotten, but then it seemed like the ones who would help me get it has gone on a vacation and I still haven't heard anything from them.
This sucks. :/

Another thing I did during these months was to open up yet another store, on Teepublic this time: https://www.teepublic.com/user/cyborg-lucario

And I also finished the third issue of Magical Guardian Magus Doe, which you can find here: https://gumroad.com/jackalland#SQpfo

When it comes to my book so is the progress slow. It is finished, but because two publishers denied it so did I send it to a friend to proofread it to see if there are any spelling errors or other weird things I haven't noticed.
Said friend has been very busy and hasn't gotten to read it, which makes me think that I should let another friend proofread it instead.
In the meantime so am I writing my second book and the script for issue four of Magical Guardian Magus Doe and for a secret project, which I hope you're excited for even though I'm unsure about how much you like comics.

As a reminder so am I always open for commissions, so send me a note if you're interested.

I hope you're all having it better than me.

Posted using PostyBirb


Posted by Cyborg-Lucario - May 27th, 2020

Posted by Cyborg-Lucario - May 1st, 2020

That's right it's my birthday today!

And that's all I got. Hopefully so will it be a good day. I have already got some nice gifts so far, so it may be a good day indeed.

Posted using PostyBirb

Posted by Cyborg-Lucario - April 26th, 2020

Like the title says so is my birthday soon and I'm not sure what to think of it, I don't exactly have any plans for it, except for possibly streaming something over at Twitch.

Though I have heard that my friends may pay for dinner somewhere that's still open (I know for sure that all the cinemas in Sweden is closed until the pandemic is over, so no cinema for a while).

The best I can hope is that nothing terrible happens on it.

The reason why I'm making a journal/log is because I think it would be nice if people at least remembers to congratulate me on my birthday (gifts are entirely up to you, though getting some fan art of my characters could be nice).

Other than that so do I hope you're all taking precautions and keep yourselves safe and practice basic hygiene.

Posted using PostyBirb

Posted by Cyborg-Lucario - March 16th, 2020

Wow, I forgot to make a new journal earlier this month (or status because that's what PostyBirb is doing for dA instead of making a journal entry), and that's not good so let me tell you all that I currently am doing alright and I'm not sick.

But I would certainly get away from the current disease going around. It may not be as dangerous as ebola from what I have read, but it's still good to take precautions to not get sick.
Just don't go and hoard toiletpapers, because you probably don't need to be quarantined/isolated for as long as you think you need.
Besides, having enough food is more important.

Due to that so do I really wish I actually could spend my time in the world of Animal Crossing, which is mostly on my mind because it's coming out this upcoming Friday!
Yes, I'm excited for it and I will even stream it on that day at 8:00pm CET.
Aside from Wild World and the N64 original so do I have all the Animal Crossing titles (yes, I even have Amiibo Party, which I got for a cheap price).
So I hope you will join me as I move in to a new island courtesy of my husbando Tom Nook.
I know I'm looking forward to it, and the fact that you can change the island to your whim, like digging up a bigger lake, is a really cool addition.

You can find the stream here: https://www.twitch.tv/cyborg_lucario

Of course, today (Monday) so will I be streaming something else. What is it?
That will be a surprise!

After I have finished Friday's stream so will I find the time to play Animal Crossing at least once per day (which shouldn't be hard to do).

Other than that so do I have no other news. I guess you can commission me if you want, or buy my comics. Maybe buy my merch at Redbubble?

Commissions: https://docs.google.com/document/d/159Ev23VyEXmNkNQKfLueeTeJC_WlFNGNHXSD4tElV0U/edit
Comics on my Gumroad store: https://gumroad.com/jackalland
My merch on Redbubble: https://www.redbubble.com/people/Cyborg-Lucario/shop?asc=u

I wish you all well and hope that you either don't get sick or panic. Just relax, wash yourself properly and play Animal Crossing: New Horizon (or Doom Eternal since it's coming out on the same date).

Posted using PostyBirb

Posted by Cyborg-Lucario - February 24th, 2020

I'm now available on Redbubble and after uploading one of my drawings there to be printed on shirts, mugs and what have you, and waiting for their review to see if it's good enough to sell, which it is, and it's so exciting to know that I now have official merch that I hope people will enjoy.

You can find it here: https://www.redbubble.com/people/cyborg-lucario/works/45213891-magus-doe?asc=u

I plan on selecting certain other drawings that I will put on sale as merch, or make some images specifically to be put on a shirt or something like that.
If there's any specific drawing you want to see as a shirt or a nice quality print so can you tell me.
I'm sure they won't accept just anything, though I know they accepted a fat Fox McCloud, which was actually what made me confident in making merchs of my works.

Unlike other ways to pay me so will you at least get something physical in return, which I think is awesome. ^w^

That's it from me for now, but how are you all doing?

Posted using PostyBirb

Posted by Cyborg-Lucario - February 10th, 2020

Ever since I said no to a new follwer who wanted to make a trade with me so have I felt bad.
You all probably know that I'm picky with who I make trades with and therefor only makes it with anyone I think draws good or has a style that I like.

I'm not gonna say any names, but to the one recent follower on FA who asked me for a trade and unfollowed me soon after I declined to trade with you, I'm sorry.
I get that no matter how gentle some tries to be when they decline something like a trade so does it still hurt.
I can get anxious myself when it comes to these kinds of things, which is why I don't ask anyone to trade with myself.

And since I can't take it hurting more people so am I therefor closing down art trades.
Sorry to anyone who would like to trade with me.

I may be okay with some close friends trading with me, but we'll see about that.

Posted using PostyBirb

Posted by Cyborg-Lucario - January 3rd, 2020

I know it's late, but happy new year.

I saw Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, and even though I knew how most people hated it so couldn't I help but like it.
Yes, I thought it was good. Though I admit there are some flaws and I understand if there were something that made people not like it and call it bad, so I can respect your opinion.
Except if you say that it's the worst Star Wars movie, because the worst movie is The Phantom Menace.

In other news, maybe not news, but I'm continuing my work on issue three of Magical Guardian Magus Doe and I'm also working on my second book while I wait to hear from the publisher what they think about the first book.

I may get the chance to draw other stuff and upload them too this month, but who knows?
Of course, if I get a commission so will I prioritize finishing it first.
And I'm always open for commissions, so take a look at my commission info and say if my prices are good.

So what can I expect of this year?
If my book is getting sold so will it certainly help me not just to pay my bills, but it will most certainly be easier to save money if the ammount will be higher than I have been getting last year.

I hope to buy Animal Crossing when it comes out in March, and thankfully there's nothing coming out in January and February that I'm interested in getting.
...well, I plan on watching Sonic the Hedgehog in cinema to see if it's good or not, I have no idea if it will be as good as Pokémon Detective Pikachu (have to use the full title so you don't mix it up with the game).

If I have enough money, then I will hopefully be able to afford taking a vacation somewhere (like Disneyland Paris, or anywhere else in France if I feel like knowing that country better).

If you read this journal all the way here, then I got a question for you.
What's your hopes for this year?

That's all, and I will see you all next time!

Posted using PostyBirb

Posted by Cyborg-Lucario - December 1st, 2019

Hi everybody, it's December time which means that I need to greet Happy Holidays to you all!

At this time of the year so would I atempt to have some kind of Holiday or D&D sale on my commissions, but part of me tell me that I should just focus on finishing the personal drawings I already started on, and issue three of Magus Doe.

Besides, it seems like anyone who follows me aren't interested in D&D or any kind of fantasy game, I mean it's pretty hard to know when I don't get any feedback from you all.

I'm not mad that most of you don't comment on my stuff, I just think it would be helpful with feedback so I know what you're really interested in.

You know what, if you do read this journal and came this far, tell me all the things you like about my drawings or if there's something specific you want to see me draw more of?

Or maybe you want me to think of a better time to stream on Twitch? No wait, there's no better time in my timezone since I start at 8pm, but I do hope it won't stop you from watching, or at least follow me, I do need 50 followers to become affiliated and if I become affiliated so may I do a limited request offer.

Of course, the rules for what I will and will not accept for requests are the same as with my commission info, just so you know: https://docs.google.com/document/d/159Ev23VyEXmNkNQKfLueeTeJC_WlFNGNHXSD4tElV0U/edit

Though if you are interested in seeing me do a sale, then tell me.

In other news so am I still waiting for the publisher to tell me if they will even accept my book, and during this time so have I already started working on my next book.
I really hope that my first book will be published, and if it does so will it be the first step to a creative career which hopefully results in Magus Doe being made into a TV series, but that my books can be adapted into shows themselves or movies or games (and I really hope those adaptions will be good, or a slim chance that they can be better than the original source).

That's all I got at the moment, I hope you all will have a good holiday this year.

Posted using PostyBirb

Posted by Cyborg-Lucario - November 12th, 2019

Hi, thought it would be good to make a journal here to announce my plans for later this week.

Like the title said so will I be live-streaming myself playing Pokémon Sword on Friday (unless the postal service is being late with) at 8:00pm CET, so I hope you have the time to hang out.

You can find my Twitch channel here: https://www.twitch.tv/cyborg_lucario

I have tried my best to avoid Pokémon news as I want to go in blind (or as blind as possible), which will certainly make it more exciting.

What's not exciting on the other hand are people whining and nitpicking stuff.
Let people be excited for the things they look forward to.

What else do I have in mind? I will be streaming some game demos tomorrow on Wednesday, also at 8:00pm CET.

Posted using PostyBirb